Okay. I need to figure out what exactly it is I'm going to be doing with this project. Obviously the direction phrase is way too broad. Do I want to examine Democracy as a whole, or do I want to critique certain aspects of it- which aspects- I want to examine whether or not our current system protects the strong from the weak, whether it prevents it's people from resolving their disputes through violence, whether the decisions of our government are truly mandated by the people, whether *brokered means resolved through an agent, similar to outsourcing but on a lesser scale, as far as I understand it.* by... institutions... democracy administered by institutions - which ones? The corporations? The political parties? As I see it, everyone has a slice of the pie. No. All I really want to do is complain about how our system works and does not work, I wish to order my thoughts and make them legible, so that we - I - may see - *How dare the government back out of the Tokyo agreement! Do they not care about the environment!? Now I HAVE to vote so I can NOT vote for them! Where did this political diligence come from? I certainly never believed that politics could actually *gasp* do everything right for a change. But the way I see it, we can go by elimination. Liberals suck? Then how about Conservatives... No wait, they suck too, they don't like small businesses, they're into MNC's. What about the NDP? I'm sure they're just as bad, but hey, everyone gets a turn. Failure again? Green Party's next. We could go through all of them if we did that. "You've got *however many years* to prove that you're worth something before we shoo you out and give your power to the underdog. Get real, real fast, bitch.*
Anyway back to the point. So that I may see what it is exactly what it is I think our government is lacking, thus establishing my political stance in a way, and writing down what it is I think we should be like as a country. These would be ideas, far removed from reality and the concept of "affordability" which grown men seem to love so much. But I'm not a grow man, so I'm mercifully exempt from needing to reason conservatively and have no faith. Ooh that's good. Grown men have no faith. Haha. Bashing, in a sense, but of a sensible sort. Finally, the establishing of a wish list, or in fancy, decorative words, a real New World Manifesto. Mine.
Beginning with the articles of belief. Grown men have no faith. Perhaps so. I think I've lost faith...yes. Faith in what even faith can do.