"Politics of Canada." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 23 Mar. 2011
This is an article that describes the political system of Canada, as well as a history of. I'm using it to get a general idea of what our political system is like. My god, I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I hate politics and all politicians!
Shevtsov, Jane. "Manifesto for a New World Order - Beyond Borders Books." World Beyond Borders. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2011.
This text is a simple, two paragraph review of the book mentioned above. Most interesting is the phrase "Democracy is unattainable unless it is brokered by institutions, mandated by the people and made accountable to them, whose primary purpose is to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak and to prevent people of all stations from resolving their differences by means of violence. The collective noun for such institutions is government." The publisher's notes describe the author as a realistic utopian, and reader reviews point out that it is a text meant for people already involved in the anti-globalization movement, and thus likely an undecipherable brick. But, it can be bought on e-bay for 1.59$ plus shipping. I suppose the next target for research should be the anti-globalization movement. Just a basic overview will do, though there appear to be scholarly articles on the subject.
"Anti-globalization Movement." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. As I expected, a movement that is critical of corporate capitalism and MNCs, unregulated trade agreements and free-market fundamentalism, whatever that is. I have done a *very* quick overview, and will have to return to soon.
And of course, this is supposed to be ongoing. I wrote this much on Wednesday, but forgot to publish it. Oh well.
Other things worth checking out could be found in the book, If I should buy it.
A good start. Check out the WTO-Seattle. A moment of excitement, when it seemed like citizen action might turn back the MNCs. Haha. But one phase of the recent history of what Monbiot (and Naomi Klein and Arundhati Roy) call the global "justice" movement unfolds from here. (More names to look up, yes!)